Monday, July 04, 2011

Review: The Betrayal of Maggie Blair

The Betrayal of Maggie BlairThe Betrayal of Maggie Blair by Elizabeth Laird

Maggie Blair is accused of witchcraft. Being targeted as a witch means one thing - death. Maggie's on the run for her life. Her safe haven is her unseen father's brother - Blair. She journeys forth to find a new home away from home. But is her new haven safe? Her Uncle's family is defying the king, the soldiers are flooding the hills and old acquaintances arrive to mingle with her new family and friends.

The cover art is wonderfully haunting with a young woman's silhouette against the hills and water. It evokes the characters belief of standing alone. Maggie's life moves from stable to hectic when life dishes blow after blow. The feeling of hope and despair intermingle as Maggie struggles to find her place in life. I enjoyed the travel across historic Scotland as Maggie traveled from one side to the other and back again. Her questions about faith are appropriate and understandable. I was disappointed at the ending, but it's a fine read if you're interested in history, witch-hunts and battles of faith.

Time Period: Seventeenth-Century

Location: Scotland

Reviewed from a library copy.
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